Thursday 23 July 2009

New On Slideshare

Check out SaatchiPlanning’s Slideshare this week for one of the best presentations that I’ve seen on social media.

WHAT THE F**K IS SOCIAL MEDIA one year later by Marta Kagan.

Full of great stats such as social media by numbers:

13 hours - the amount of video uploaded to YouTube every minute.
412.3 years - the length of time it would take to view every YouTube video.
100,000,000 - the number of YouTube videos viewed per day.
13,000,000 - the number of articles available on Wikipedia.
3,600,000,000 - the number of photos archived on Flickr as of June 2009. That’s roughly 1 photo per every 2 people on the planet.
1,000,000,000 - the amount of content (web links, photos, notes etc) shared on Facebook each week.

And great quotes:

“The word blog is irrelevant. What’s important is that it is now common, and will soon be expected, that every intelligent person (and quite a few unintelligent ones) will have a media platform where they share what they care about with the world.”
- Seth Godin

For a more comprehensive study on social media here are two great presentations from Universal McCann:

Power To The People Social Media Tracker
When did we start trusting strangers?

And a nice chart showing how people share content on the web HERE.

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