Tuesday 30 March 2010

The awesome Internet

Sometimes things come along which remind you why you love the internet. The creativity it has unleashed, as well as the latent anarchism and weirdness, restore my faith in humanity. So here is a list of some of the most surreal, brilliant and down-right awesome aspects of the web. I'd love for people to add their own below too.

Chat Roulette - As Danah Boyd says, it is a "reminder of ye-olde internet culture" of anarchism and random connections. There is also a second helping of Merton  piano improv to enjoy.
Bubleraptor - The inspiration for this post. Michael Buble, being pursued by a raptor.
Nic Cage as everyone - Not one of these movies isn't improved by ole' Nic Cage.
The Onion - America's finest news source
Is the internet Awesome?  The answer is here
Youtube! - Its hard to even describe how awesome youtube is. This fact that this has 170m views comes close.
The Daily Mail Song- Brilliant
Amazon comments - That so many people chose to comment tells me there is hope for us yet.

1 comment:

Tom Callard said...


Sudoko, for Subo lovers. Why?

Why the hell not?!