Monday 4 April 2011

TV is dead... Oh wait, its fine.

I like this presentation. Television is often held up as an "Old Media" straw man, which because of its inherently uninteractive format is destined to be cast aside to the analogue world of Betamax, Gramophones and those big grey gameboys people in Shoreditch wear as necklaces.

This presentation avoids all those cliches though, and argues TV has always been best when it is communal and social, and technology is now allowing this aspect to be expanded. Its an interesting time for TV and brands should be experimenting with how they can latch onto the two-screen behaviour people are already exhibiting. Some examples of it being used so far:

Honda- app to interact with the TV ad
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole- Shazam logo on the TV ad inviting viewers to buy the song there and then.
MTV Skins- 'Caption Bomb' conversation

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