Friday 18 March 2011

Junkyard Jumbotron

Professional brains Rick Borovoy and Brian Knep at MIT have come up with the Junkyard Jumbotron; a web tool which allows you to stretch a single image over multiple screens or in Borovoy's words "We've built a way to stitch together a bunch of random displays into one large virtual display."

Not hugely useful but it looks like fun. Check out the video below and head over to Wired for the science bit.*

*Speaking of Jennifer Anniston - see her new meme-tastic spot for Smart Water; it squeezes in Double Rainbow Guy, dogs on skateboards, that creepy bespectacled lip-synching kid, dancing babies, sex tapes and 'The Rachel' haircut. It's sharply done but the spoofing is maybe a little too knowing for me, not that that matters - it's already well on its way to 8m hits. Link

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